AntiSocial Behaviour Parent Courses

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AntiSocial Behaviour Parent Courses

Parenting Classes Parenting Classes

The government's children's minister has revealed new parenting courses to stop anti-social behaviour before it starts.
Beverley Hughes, children's minister, plans to introduce these new measures in a bid to battle problem behaviour at its roots.
The new proposals plan to support parents whose children are most at risk of drifting into patterns of poor behaviour at an early age.
Ms Hughes announced a shortlist of 20 local authorities who will be asked to work up detailed proposals to pilot new targeted support and courses for parents with children and young people at risk of anti-social behaviour between the ages of 8 to 13.
Childrens minister, Beverley Hughes told the IPPR Children, young people and family policy event: "Of course we need to challenge unacceptable behaviour including that by children, but we also need to do more to support parents and families to prevent problematic patterns of patterns of behaviour developing in the first place, and to deal with the underlying causes.
"The families who cause disruption and distress to others around them often have complex problems in their lives, such as drug and alcohol abuse, mental health problems or poverty and debt. Bad behaviour by children can be symptomatic of these kinds of problems experienced by their parents.
"Our approach is that we will support those families where they are willing to change and will provide them with help to address the underlying problems that can lead to bad behaviour. But we are also clear that these difficulties are never an excuse for anti-social behaviour and will take firm steps to ensure that it stops. It is one of the biggest issues raised with ministers and we have been urged to act."

Crucial Gap in Services for Children
She explained that the pilots will target a group whose needs are not currently being met, 8 - 13 year olds who are at risk of drifting into anti-social behaviour. The childrens minister also admitted that there is a crucial gap in services between the good parenting support we offer parents in the early years and the much more reactive approach to teenagers. That it is in the middle years that there is sometimes little help available.
Ms Hughes added: "We want to intervene early and prevent problems escalating by ensuring the parents receive an earlier, more effective and co-ordinated package of relevant support."
The innovative targeted support and new parenting courses will be tested in a final list of 15 pathfinder areas through the year with funding of £10m over two years. With programmes being focused in the most deprived areas where families and communities need them most.
The initiatives have originated as part of the Government's Respect Action Plan.
Research suggests that this type of intervention will not only reduce the risk of children sliding into problem behaviour, it can also improve their performance at school and their social and emotional well-being.
The new parenting classes will mean experts working with targeted groups of parents - not only those whose children misbehave but also those with their own serious issues. They will provide structured, evidence based support and advice on issues such as managing children's behaviour, building positive relationships and dealing with difficult issues such as drug and alcohol abuse.

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AntiSocial Behaviour Parent Courses

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