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Fundraising Toys for Schools

Ethical Toy Shop |  Fundraising Toys for Schools

Fundraising Toys for Schools

In the next few weeks these pages will feature our new range of fundraising toys for schools. And just like the rest of our toys they are ethically sourced, traded or made.
Our new fundraising toys for PTAs, playgroups, nurseries and schools are pencil cases and bags to decorate.
The pencil cases and bags to decorate can be ordered blank with either fabric crayons or fabric glitter pens.
They can also be ordered printed with your school, playgroup or nursery name.

These items can then be sold by you to parents for whatever you wish to charge to make the most profit either blank or printed.
Or you can charge parents to have their children create a work of keepable and usable art at summer fairs, christmas fairs or craft fairs on either blank or printed items.

These items, prices and further ordering information will be added to this section in the next few weeks. However, if you are interested in any of these fundraising toys just now please Email Toys to You and we'll get back to you right away.

Santa Grotto Toys for PTA's, Schools & Nurseries
If you're looking for affordable toys for your Santa Grotto from only 30p please click here
Fundraising Pencil Cases for Schools
Fundraising Bags for Schools
Santa Grotto Toys for PTA's, Schools & Nurseries
If you're looking for affordable toys for your Santa Grotto from only 30p please click here
Fundraising Crayons for Schools

Ethical Toy Shop |  Fundraising Toys for Schools

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