Making Time for Toys

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Making Time for Toys

Making Time for Toys Making Time for Toys

Making Time for Toys and Play

The Value of Play
Like the food we eat, we need a diet that includes play, an essential ingredient for a healthy family life and child development.

This feature is a guide to how busy families can make time to play together and reap the benefits without fuss and great expense.

In our busy, ever more structured lives, time is increasingly short. Everyone's routine starts earlier- children participate in organised activities such as swimming or music lessons and just have less time to be kids!

Less time to play means they are missing out as a result.

Playing together is a vital element of sharing family life. It can involve everyone, be lively or quiet, planned or spontaneous. Above all it benefits all those involved - parents, grandparents, children of all ages.

Play What Good Does it Do?
Play is good for all senses and age groups. It combines a whole host of mental and physical benefits to individuals and families alike. Apart from just being enjoyable, it is:
  • Healthy
  • Educational
  • Sociable
  • Recreational
  • Great for family bonding
  • Fun!!

Pyschologists have identified numerous ways that play helps childhood development. It enhances:
  • Thinking power
  • Mental fitness
  • Practical knowledge
  • Personal and emotional well being
  • Physical development
  • Social skills

As a child we bet you didn't realise how much good you were doing yourself just by playing!

The BTHA recommends that parents and grandparents remember that 3 factors assist kids get the most from play:
  1. Create a safe, secure environment for play
  2. Let kids be free to direct their own play
  3. A wide variety of toys permits many types of play (rather than a few expensive toys).

"Toys are an inexpensive and time-efficient means to help families make time to play together. Short, frequent spells of play are an easy way to help your child's development. Whether you buy or borrow them from your local toy library, make time for toys."
Helen Goodman
Director - National Association of Toy and Leisure Libraries

"Children are more inclined to play, and will play longer, when toys are available. A well selected range of toys will encourage children to explore the world around them in different ways, stimulating development of all the senses."
Professor Jeffrey H Goldstein
University of Utrecht, Netherlands

British Toy and Hobby Association British Toy and Hobby Association
This information is taken from BTHA leaflets.
To find out more about the BTHA please visit their website at

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Making Time for Toys

Childrens toys, kids toys, baby toys that are all ethical toys, Fairtrade toys, green toys, eco-friendly toys, organic toys and fair trade toys for toddlers, preschoolers and babies. All Toys to You toys are ethical, age appropriate and safe. Also fundraising & bulk Santa Grotto toys and Childrens Party Toys at Toys to You.

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