Brian the Breeze

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Brian the Breeze

Brian the Breeze and The Snow Brian the Breeze and The Snow

Brian was a little breeze.
His older brother was William the Wind.
Their father was Gabriel the Gale, he was a very big and frightening wind. But their grandfather was even bigger and more frightening. He was Huxley the Hurricane.
One day Brian was flitting through the large snowflakes that were falling fast. He was enjoying it and feeling very happy.
"I love these great big snowflakes" he said to himself. All of a sudden he noticed a man: "There's a man looking very sad. I think I'll go and cheer him up."
Brian blew some flakes of snow into the face of the man, thinking he would laugh. But the man did not like it.
"That breeze is a nuisance," he grumbled.
Poor Brian was sad and disappointed. He flew away. Next he saw a woman trudging along with two bags of groceries. She looked very grumpy.
"I think I need to cheer her up," Brian said, and he blew some flakes in to her face.
"Oh!" said the lady. "That breeze is a pest. I haven't got a hand to wipe the snow away from my face."
This made Brian ever more sad. He was only trying to make people happy. Some days he felt like being naughty, but today he wanted to make people smile.
Coming along the road were Jake, Eve and their Granny. Granny had Eve securely fastened into her reins to make sure she could not run into the road and Jake, who was a big boy, carried Granny's bags full of shopping. Jake and Eve were wearing their Wellingtons for walking in the snow. They were all laughing and enjoying the snow. Eve was trying to catch the flakes in her mouth and with her hands.
Brian flew over to them and blew some snowflakes into their faces. They all laughed harder.
Eve looked up at her Granny and said, "Look I got some flakes on my tongue.."
"So you have," Granny said, smiling down at her. "Can you feel them melting on your tongue?"
"What's melting, Granny?" asked Eve.
"It's when the snowflakes turn into water again," said Granny. "That's what they are. Frozen rain."
Brian blew the snowflakes in front of them round in a circle.
"Look!" said Granny. "The snowflakes are dancing."
"I'm dancing like the flakes," shouted Eve as she danced round and round.
"Lovely, darling," said Granny. "Look we're at our house now. Come on up the steps."
Brian followed them up to the door then he flew around their garden. He was just going to fly away when the back door of the house opened. Out came Granny, Jake and Eve.
"The snow is deep enough to make a snowman," Granny said.
"Yes, let's build a big snowman," cried Jake.
He started to roll a big snowball. Granny and Eve began to roll a small snowball together.
Brian was pleased and he joined in with them. He blew the snowflakes round in circles again to make Eve laugh.
They were all busy for a while until Jake finally rolled his big snowball into the middle of the garden and said, "I'm finished."
"Okay," said Granny. "Now we lift our small snowball on top of it." And that's what they did.
"Great," said Jake. "Our snowman's finished."
"No it isn't," said Granny. "Stay here with Eve, I won't be a minute."
Granny went into the house and came out again in a minute with her arms full.
"Right," she began. "Here's a carrot. That will be his nose."
Jake pushed the nose into the centre of the head.
"Here's a scarf, tie it around his neck. It used to be mine but I don't wear it now."
Jake did this.
"And to finish him off, here's an old hat of your granddad's."
Jake placed the hat on the snowman's head.
"But he's got no arms or eyes," said Eve.
"Ahhhh, right," said Granny thoughtfully. Just then she broke two branches off some nearby bushes. Then swept some snow away and got some stones.
Eve tried to put the arms on and with a little help from Granny, she got them in place. Jake carefully put the stones on the face as eyes and a line of them for a mouth.
"Now he's finished," said Granny. Eve and Jake stood back staring at their hard work. They were very pleased with their snowman.
Brian was pleased too. He danced around the snowman.
"Look, the snowflakes are dancing around our snowman," cried Eve.
"Oh, so they are," said Granny.
"I think it's time we got back inside and took our wet clothes off."
All three of them went indoors.
Brian was sorry to see them go, but he had enjoyed his day with them. He flew away home to see his brother, dad and granddad to tell them all about his new friends who he had made laugh and smile.

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Brian the Breeze

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