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First Trimester Worries

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Some Common Worries During Your Third Trimester

Common physical problems in the first trimester
Most women have some of the following physical symptoms in early pregnancy. They are usually nothing to worry about but if you’re worried about any symptoms, or you feel unwell, talk to your doctor or midwife as soon as you can.

You’re feeling or being sick (at any time of the day, not just in the mornings)
Your body is adapting to huge hormonal changes.
Top Tips
* Eat foods that contain ginger.
* Eat little and often.
* Eat a small snack before getting out of bed in the morning.
* If you can’t keep any food down, let your doctor or midwife know.

You’re feeling exhausted
For the first few months, your baby is growing very fast and using up a lot of your energy.
Top Tips
* Take some gentle exercise - it can give you more energy!
* Rest when you can.
* Try to ‘book’ some time each day for yourself, even if it’s just ten minutes.
* Read a magazine, have a relaxing bath
* Simply close your eyes for a few minutes and practise some relaxation techniques.
* At work, tell your manager you’re pregnant
* And ask if you can adjust your working hours while you feel so tired.

You need to wee a lot
Your baby is pressing down on your bladder and your kidneys are working overtime to cope with the increase in body fluids.
Top Tips
* Don’t cut back on drinking water or juice.
* If it stings when you wee then you may have a bladder infection, see your GP asap
* Tell your employer that you need easy access to a loo

You feel constipated
Your digestion slows down during pregnancy.
Top Tips
* Eat plenty of fibre.
* Do some gentle exercise, such as walking.
* Drink plenty of water (six to eight glasses a day). Back to top

Your breasts feel tender
Your breasts are growing and responding to rapid hormonal changes.
Top Tips
* Hold a cold damp flannel over your breasts if they feel tender.
* Make sure you have a well-fitting supportive bra which is non-wired.
* Many large department stores offer a bra-fitting service. Take advantage of it - it’s free!

You have tummy aches
It’s common to feel a little discomfort in your lower abdomen (tummy).
Top Tips
* This may be due to the ligaments around your stomach stretching to hold your baby
* Ligament stretching it usually goes away when you rest

If the discomfort becomes more painful, and/or if you have bleeding, see your doctor or midwife as soon as possible.

You have headaches
There are rapid rises in pregnancy hormones in your body.
Top Tips
* Take plenty of rest and relaxation when you can.
* Drink plenty of water or juice.
* Eat small, regular meals.

You feel faint
The extra demand on your body’s blood system can make you dizzy.
Top Tips
* Sit on a chair with your head between your legs.
* Breathe slowly and deeply.
* Get up slowly.
* Take plenty of rest and make sure you can get into the fresh air.
* Eat regularly and drink plenty of fluids.

If you do actually faint, tell your doctor or midwife as soon as possible. Otherwise, tell them you feel dizzy at your next appointment.

You feel windy
It’s common to feel bloated when you’re pregnant, and to break wind and burp more than usual.
Top Tips
* Try to eat small regular meals, and avoid gulping them down.
* Don’t eat too many gassy foods such as beans or fried foods.

You’ve gone off sex
Hormonal changes mean that some women want more sex when they are pregnant. Others go off it dramatically.
Top Tips
* Do what feels right for you. Your baby won’t come to any harm if you have sex,
* Make sure your partner wears a condom unless you are sure he has no sexually transmitted infections (STI)

Changing shape
At the end of this trimester, your bump may begin to show.
Top Tips
* Eat a balanced diet and take some reasonable exercise.
* This is not the time to fret about diets and weight gain but it is the time to make sure you have a healthy balanced diet.
* Unless you are under or overweight,suddenly put on lots of weight or lose too much, you’ll probably only be weighed once at your antenatal appointments.

You are feeling low
There is a lot going on and your body is still changing rapidly. Hormones are playing havoc, and it’s understandable if you feel weepy.
Top Tips
Just because you’re not jumping up and down for joy doesn’t mean you’re not going to be a great mum. It’s natural to have mixed feelings. If these feelings don’t go away, tell your doctor or midwife how you feel.

Worry about a previous miscarriage or abortion
Some women are nervous about their pregnancy because they feel uncomfortable talking about a previous miscarriage or abortion.
Your midwife is not there to judge you but to help you have a healthy happy pregnancy. Tell her about your fears.

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