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Josephine Giraffe Cuddly Blanket (311580)

Part of the wooly grannimal family, Josephine the Giraffe Cuddly Blanket, is the baby of the family.
Knitted Josephine with her flowery pants is gorgeous and her cuddly blanket matches her pants with the same flowery design on one side.
A perfect gift for a new baby who will grow to love Josephine the Giraffe and her attached cuddly blanket.
15 x 7 x 5cms
Age birth+

**Availability - normally shipped within 5-7 working days**

**Availability - normally shipped within 5-7 working days*

Price: �19.97 (�23.96)

Childrens toys, kids toys, baby toys that are all ethical toys, Fairtrade toys, green toys, eco-friendly toys, organic toys and fair trade toys for toddlers, preschoolers and babies. All Toys to You toys are ethical, age appropriate and safe. Also fundraising & bulk Santa Grotto toys and Childrens Party Toys at Toys to You.

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